Passionate about photography. Combining photography with art.
Capture those special moments and share them with the world.
Show to the world the beauty of life, its fragility and specialty.
Photography has been my passion for some years now. Recently, I have decided to show my artwork to a wider audience. In addition to photography, I am also passionate about traveling. I take most of my photos during my travels. My aim is to capture those special moments and share them with the world.
In January 2022 I had my first exhibition. This was possible due to the collaboration with art!show and Food Shop Better Hurry. The exhibition was titled "The art of colors in painting and photography" and took place from the 3rd until the 17th of January of 2022, at the Food Shop Better Hurry at 3 Dabrowskiego Street in Poznan, Poland. During this time, I have had the pleasure of sharing space with the well-known Poznan painter, Bozena Gadzinska and her impressive art. You can see her works at The aim was to promote art in Poznan and the local artists, including painters and photographers. It was a part of the "Mini Gallery art!show" project. In the exhibition I have shown my vision of the architecture of London and the beaches of the Baltic Sea.
My art could be admired as a part of the exhibition "Graphic - Photography - Painting". The exhibition took place from the 14th until the 28th of February of 2022, at the Food Shop Better Hurry at 3 Dabrowskiego Street in Poznan. On this occasion, there were several artists, so each one had limited space. My space has allowed me presenting four of my artworks. I have taken advantage of the space I had to show the architecture of London. The exhibition was a part of the "Mini Gallery art!show" project, in collaboration with art!show and Food Shop Better Hurry. Its aim was to promote art in Poznan and the local artists. Below, you can see the artworks I have shown this time.
My third exhibition was titled "Architecture in Photography" and took place from the 16th of May until the 12th of June of 2022. It was a part of the project titled "Mini Gallery art!show". During this time, my artwork could be admired at Food Shop Better Hurry on 3 Dabrowskiego Street in Poznan, Poland. The exhibition was the result of a collaboration with art!show and Food Shop Better Hurry to promote art in Poznan and the local artists. Through my art, I showed some places in London and a part of its architecture. My goal was to show something different from the monuments and places visited by tourists, known to everyone. Therefore, I decided to choose ordinary places. I hope you enjoyed my tour of London and its architecture. If you didn't get the chance, you can check out the gallery below.